This site has been created to provide educators with an overall view on how the technology portrayed in this website (iPad Apple Tablet), plays an important role in ESL education. This site aims to assist all ESL educators and future educators to gain information on the use of iPads in ESL classrooms, such as classroom management techniques to implement them, and the best apps to use.
The goal is to enhance the listening, literacy, and speaking proficiency of English language of ESL students with the use of iPad tablet technology.
As a result of navigating this website, ESL instructors or teachers will;
- Understand how technology plays a crucial role in the second language learning process of ESL students according to Levy (1997) Computer Assisted Language Learning (CALL) concept and, Prensky (2001) notion of Digital Natives and Immigrants approach.
- Become familiar with the iPad tablet technology, as well as its functionality.
- Find and implement classroom management tips, as well as Apple iPad apps that are related to ESL learning and development of English language proficiency with ESL students in the areas of listening, literacy, and speaking.
website tutorial video
This video will show you how to navigate through this website, as well as its content.